“It's like a little art piece in real time.”
“Like nothing I've ever experienced before.”
“Loved the interaction among strangers.”
“Different every time and lots of fun.”
More feedback »

No thinking, just doing.

TERP in action: http://youtube.com

During quarantine, we came up with something else.

Press play. React.

Engage in mindful fun.

Like a brain teaser for your mind AND body.

Playlist of 20+ movement snacks: http://youtube.com

This can be done in any space, indoors or outdoors. Listening through headphones is more personal, but a speaker also works.

Featured Experiment


Boost students try real-time! - student demo

Title: Boost Students doing real-time

Date: Wednesday June 8, 2016


Party-goers at fundraiser try out TERP!

Title: Megan Bascom & Dancers Fundraiser

Date: April 9, 2016

Visit the Terp Lab »

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