Want to join us at a TERP® Event?
Terp at Meetup
Please use the buttons below to stay updated on our upcoming Terp events.
Join the Tribe
The TERP® Tribe is made up of everyone who’s ever joined us in a TERP® Event. From dancers to administrators, scientists to office assistants, teachers to bakers — we appreciate the diverse group of people who’ve helped us fine tune the TERP® concept and experiment with its implementation. These kind folks make the TERP® ideal real.
You can become a part of the Tribe simply by participating in one of our upcoming TERP® events. Or email us to host your own event either in our space or yours!
Email: patrice@terptribe.com
What to Expect
The TERP system is a tool we are designing for human movement composition without rehearsal. We are experimenting with movement instructions to find those that are meaningful to regular people. Think of it like a voiced GPS for groups of non-dancers!
At the TERP event, you will be wearing on your arm a small computer that is about the size of an iPod. You will also be wearing a set of headphones through which you will hear a pleasant voice providing instructions about movement. None of the instructions you will be responding to are physically taxing. Some require interpretation, either physically or emotionally. Most will be straightforward; all of them will be simple to follow.
It’s important to be able to move about the room in whatever you’re wearing that day. Also, we will be recording the session for our archives. The fun part of this TERP system for movement is that you will be creating, with the others, a little art piece in real time.
Got any questions? We’ve got answers: http://terptribe.com/about/faqs.